Planning to visit us?
Click here to save time at check-in!

It's time for kid's camp!

Step 1: Flil out our planning center form
 in order to clam a spot, make payments,
 and access other needed Forms!
activites as well.
Step 3: Finally, fill our our own permission form
that will cover transportation to and from camp.
Step 4. If needed,  below is a form
 to request financial assistance!

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

E|C Kids is our kids ministry designed for children between Infants to 11 years old. Our Nursery takes care of children from infancy to 2 years old, WEE Kids is our class designed for our 3 to 5 year olds, and then 6 to 11 year olds are in our main E|C Kids Class. E|C Kids  is dedicated to providing a safe and Christ-centered environment where children can learn and grow in the things of God. We believe the children aren't the church of tomorrow, but rather the church of today! God is moving in their hearts and lives as they learn foundational guides to their own personal journeys as Christ-followers.

Sunday Mornings

Wednesday Night



Check-in starts at  8:30am on Sundays and at 6:00pm on Wednesday Nights - check-in at the D Building.
Can't wait to see you here!
Belong. Believe. Become.

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E|C Kids Events

Click here for kid's camp info and sign up!