21 Days of Prayer

21 Days of prayer and fasting will be held from January 5th-25th. Monday-Friday, we will host prayer at 6am in the Activity Center, and Saturdays at 9am. Click the button below to access the 21 days of prayer livestream and more resources.

GREATER Marriage Conference

Greater Marriage Conference will be Saturday, Feb. 8th from 9am-1pm.
The cost for this conference is $40 (per couple: please register you AND your spouse). This will include a t-shirt, notebook, lunch & childcare if needed.


Join us for Baptism & Worship on Sunday February 9th DURING SERVICE, in the Activity Center! Invite a new family to join.
If you would like to speak to one of our campus pastors about baptism, please mark that request when registering.  
Baptism is open to any age.
*Please bring a change of clothes and towel.*

Evangel Academy

Evangel Academy NOW serves infants to 4 year old children in the community. We welcome students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin who share our vision and values for education. However, families accepted into Evangel Academy must agree to adhere to and abide by Evangel Academy’s Core Beliefs and Tenets of Faith.